Sunday, October 7, 2012

Our Name Tags

Sister and President Bubert, Myself and Elder McOmber
My name tag is under my sweater, I was cold and put it on, I will make sure my name tag shows next time!
       We are proud of our name tags,  We have not only our name but also the name of Jesus Christ on our name tags.  We pray we will always act, think and do as our Savior would want us to act, think and do.  It is interesting that no matter where we go, but especially in Walmart, people will ask us questions about the store.  I guess if you have name tags of any sort, they think you know.  This week it was a lady who did not speak much English.  I think she was Korean.  Luckily we knew and could read her hand signals well enough that we were able to take her to the right area.  That is what Jesus would do.  We love our mission.
      This week was Departures, Arrivals and transfers.  I have come to think of these Elders and Sisters as "mine" although I know they really belong to the Lord and President Bubert.  I still am a "mother hen" worrying over them and loving them.  It is exciting to watch them finish their missions, ready to go to their homes and embrace life.  We have been here long enough to know them a little better and we will miss them, but are happy for them. 
     We welcome the new elders and sisters with open arms. I remember the "wide eye" feeling coming to the mission where everything is so new.  I sound like an old pro, interesting how 4 months makes such a big difference.   Isn't it exciting that President Monson announced the ages changing to 18 for Elders and 19 for sisters?!!!!!   I wonder how that will impact our responsibilities.
Departing Elders this week
Elder McOmber always volunteers to head up the clean up squad at the departure
dinner.  He likes washing the dishes.  It is a dinner for departing elders and the Senior couples.
It is at the Mission Home.  We are able to share our testamonies with each other.
Sister Reynolds, Elder McOmber, Elder Warburton with a couple of our young
departing elders helping.
     Yesterday, our P day, as we were getting our groceries between conference and Priesthood session, Elder McOmber found a car show in front of Walmart.  There are lots of old cars here in California.  Elder McOmber has big plans for when we finish our mission--if anyone finds a 5 window '48-'52 chevy pick up, reasonably priced,  let him know.

   Our son in law got an elk with his bow and arrow in Arizonia, just have to show it off:  Amy with lots of meat!

This weekend  is our almost annual trip to Yellowstone Park.
Two of our daughters and their families went to carry on the tradition of listening
to the Elk bugle and sightseeing.  This was during the day.
Looks cold.  We miss them and the trip, but Sara took my place as
picture taker!
This was later the same day--the older grandkids all went swimming.  It was 34
degrees out.
Back in California and 80 degree weather.  Looks "other earthly" with the fog in the morning.

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