Sunday, December 16, 2012

It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas

Elder McOmber by the office Christmas tree with a bike for a
new elder coming in Tuesday.

This is for all my cowgirls and cowboys in Idaho and everywhere. 
The Los Angeles Temple has Nativities from all over the world. 

     This week has been a very difficult.  It's Christmas time, you can see it everywhere.  Our hearts want to be home.  Jami has been in the hospital with some unknown problem.  She hurts and I would love to be there to hold and hug my baby(She's 31, but still my baby).  Quin(age 3) had to have surgery this week, again, and Sara has been sick, again I want to hold and hug my babies(she is older than Jami, but still my baby).  Chad, my first baby; I was able to hug him(I'll tell you later), something he and I needed.  Lonnie has had a difficult week with his arthritis, I have been able to hug him too. The senseless killings of children in Connecticut breaks our hearts for the families, community and our country.  Again I want to hold and hug ALL my family. We have been promised blessings for our families for serving the Lord(We have not been promised the easy way).  I am relying on those promised blessings.
      This video touched my troubled heart and comforted me.  It is how I have felt many times in my life and how feel now. 
We were able to go to the Los Angeles Temple (3 times in one week, that should help my goal of once a month).  I can not think of a better place to be at this Christmas time.  Some Elders asked us to take them.  I always receive calls from our elders and sisters while in the temple, I just step out after we are finished and return their calls.  It is a 35 minute drive in good traffic.  It is interesting to get to know the different personalities while riding in the car.  Some elders love talking cars and guns, others share testimonies and spiritual experiences.  They are all wonderful Elders(we have not taken sisters to the Temple yet).

"Even the stop lights blink a bright red and green".  I love Christmas
Music and have been known to listen to it in July.  We have 7 1/2 miles
to church and 25 stop lights.  We have 5 miles to work and 16 stop lights. 
Many times that is faster than the expressways.  That is California.
            Chad and boys were able to come up from San Diego on Friday night.  Chandler got sick on Friday on the way up, threw up out the window, all over Chad's truck.  Saturday, Colton did not feel good and threw up out the window, all over Chad's truck.  The boys felt better once they threw up, but we took the truck to work and washed it off.  Of course it turned into a water fight.

Colton, Chandler and Caleb
Caleb loved riding his bike in the water--his father's son.


We were able to go to Knottsberry Farm with Chad and kids. This month Active Duty and  Veterans and one guest can get in free, so all 7 of us got in free(Caleb was free as he was under 3).  We had a nice time.  Chad took turns riding one special ride with each of us.  He liked the "big kid" roller coasters, but was patient with all of us and rode the stage coach for Papa, Cars with Caleb, mining with the boys and he saw the ice skating show with me.
Yes, Chad fit, amazingly.  Caleb is next to him, you can see his face.
Annalea and Colton following right behind.
Snoopy on Ice--Very nice.
Annalea, Papa, Gammy, Caleb, Colton, Chad, Chandler
We wore Caleb out. He rode many rides.  Here we are waiting while Chad and Annalea
did the Ghost town rider.  This is what life is all about--holding family in our arms and hearts.
Sister McOmber in her office. I have to do computer work. Yes charting even on a mission.
The elders wanted Elder McOmber to play basketball, but they were
easy with him.  It was not this that caused problems with his arthritis.
It has rained several days this week.
  Thursdays are District meetings; here is one district.  All our missionaries are our favorites and our family for now. 
Yes it is Christmas, even though there are flowers blooming everywhere.
"Christmas is a time for remembering the Son of God and renewing our determination to take upon us His name. It is a time to reassess our lives and examine our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Let this be a time of remembrance, of gratitude, and a time of forgiveness. Let it be a time to ponder the Atonement of Jesus Christ and its meaning for each of us personally. Let it especially be a time of renewal and recommitment to live by the word of God and to obey His commandments. By doing this, we honor Him far more than we ever could with lights, gifts, or parties."                          Dieter F. Uchtdorf          
                              "Seeing Christmas through New Eyes", 2010 First Presidency Christmas Devotional, December 2010 


  1. Beautifully said! We are praying for you and your family. I'm sending you a virtual hug and hope you know how much we love and appreciate you.

  2. I loved the video; it represents what I went through over and over for many years until my divorce 41 years later. My Savior has stood by my side since I was young and all thru my life and even now after being alone for 10 years since the divorce and now the breast cancer surgery. He is always there to hold us and give us the strength to go on.
