Saturday, July 27, 2013

I have been blessed and I am thankful

I love this art work by Del Parsons, I know I have my hand in His, He is leading me, loving me.  We got this for our anniversary present last year for each other.  It is so appropriate.
Sister Luft, Sister Puttapong, Sister Manzon ate dinner at our place last Sunday Night.  Aren't they beautiful!!

Sister Hyatt doing something on my computer Monday.

Sister Jessop,  Lacey Bradshaw(-came back to visit us-she has finished her mission) and Sister Scott

Sister Jessop, Lacey Bradshaw and Elder McOmber
Monday night we went to our friends, the Edgars.  They had a picnic and surprise birthday party for Sophia who turned 6.
Elder McOmber always makes home made ice cream (creamy slushies).  You take one two liter of soda pop-they love root beer, but here he used strawberry and one can of sweetened condensed milk in an ice cream maker.  Freeze and you have a creamy slush that the kids ( and adults) love.
Tuesday I had a lumpectomy and sentinel nodes removal for my breast cancer.  All my lovely sisters wore pink for me that day and sent me this picture.  The missionaries fasted and prayed for me, I cried. I can feel their love and my Savior's love.   I know the Lord heard their prayers and I so appreciate them. What better support system could I have than a loving family and God's army!! 
My daughter Amy came and helped me (she is an ER nurse).  She stayed with me so Lonnie could go get some sleep for the night I had to spend in the hospital.  Chad, our son, came and kept Lonnie company while I was in surgery.  It took much longer than expected and the doctor had to remove more tissue than he first thought.  My entire family has been a great support with calls, texts and prayers.  This week we should be able to find out what the next step of treatment will be.
I received these beautiful flowers from Dr. Huggins and my friends and support at EIRMC(my hospital at home in ID)
The yellow blanket behind my head was from the RS here in Los Alamitos.  We have been blessed with many cards, dinners,  and texts from all our missionaries, friends and family.  We indeed have been richly blessed!

"Much as I lament the resulting and gathering storms, there can be some usefulness in them. Thereby we may become further tamed spiritually.  .. The Lord is always quietly refining His faithful people individually.
Hope feasts on the words of Christ, “through patience and comfort of the scriptures,” “written for our learning” ...  Faith constitutes “the assurance of things hoped for” and the proof of “things not seen”... Therefore, whatever our humble furrow, we are to “plow in hope” finally developing “a perfect brightness of hope” .
Moreover, Jesus not only took upon Him our sins to atone for them, but also our sicknesses and aching griefs(see Alma 7:11–12; Matt. 8:17). Hence, He knows personally all that we pass through and how to extend His perfect mercy—as well as how to succor us. His agony was all the more astonishing in that He trod “the wine-press alone”.
By utilizing the Atonement, we access the gifts of the Holy Ghost, which “filleth with hope and perfect love” (Moro. 8:26)."                       “Plow in Hope”     Neal A. Maxwell  April 2001                 

 A quote from a web site on Breast Cancer...

"Right now, you need your family and friends. Not only can they give you emotional support and help you make treatment decisions, they also can lend a hand with the practical stuff -- like taking out the trash, buying groceries, or driving you to appointments. Resolving the little hassles can actually be a huge relief.
While you might need to take some time off, many women keep working and stay involved during their treatment."
I am back to work today, my fuzzy anesthesia brain is gone!   I am just taking phone calls and will "play it by ear" about how much time I will be in the office this week, but it is wonderful to be able to continue our mission serving the Lord and the wonderful  missionaries of the Great California Long Beach Mission-the best mission in the world!
I have been blessed and I am thankful!!

1 comment:

  1. You are AMAZING! Thank you for your wonderful attitude and example. Thank you for the beautiful, inspired words you shared in this post. We love you and continue to pray for you and your complete recovery.
