Sunday, August 11, 2013

Faith and Trust

     This week I had my second operation for breast cancer, a bilateral mastectomy.  It took a lot more out of me than I thought it would.  I am slower at recovering.  I miss our missionary work, but if I take time to get well, I can then help others better.  It is hard for me to stay down.  There have been so many wonderful people along the way that have and are helping me. 
     Our missionary work did not end when we went into the hospital.  The Recovery Room nurse, Eli, and I were able to talk for about 45 minutes about the Gospel.  We were waiting for a room to open up for me, so I was awake and he started asking me questions about how and why we are in the Long Beach Area.  When I explained, he said he was Catholic(he was from the Philippines) and he asked question after question comparing LDS doctrine with the Catholics.  I was able to answer all of his questions.  Of course, I did not have any pass along cards, so I told him to look up  As Ryan, the transporter, rolled me away, Eli said he has had "those young men" to his home and he has one of "those books".  I told him to read it, it is true. Then Ryan started asking me questions as he rolled me to my room.
     Robert, a nurse anesthetist, had had good experiences with LDS missionaries in the past and we talked until I was put to sleep. 
     We are not allowed to proselyte in the VA hospital, but our name tags and just questions in general allowed us the opportunity to talk about the wonderful plan of Happiness!
Elder Walker and Elder Dixon both from Missouri
Elder Dixon is a convert and we are impressed with both of their testimonies.
     Our wonderful Assistants to the President(AP's) came to dinner last evening(they brought their own dinner and a cake for us) with a wonderful message about trusting the Lord in our tribulations.  I think they were inspired to come and give me that lesson.  I have to admit, I have struggled with my emotions this week.  I guess I am human :)  I keep reminding my self to see my glass as half full (not half empty).  and I have so much to be grateful for!  
     There is a song that is wonderful by Martina McBride that my daughter, Amy, suggested we listen to:" I'm gonna love you through this".  It is excellent.  We don't listen to too much radio, but I looked it up on the Internet.
      My husband has been my strength through this.  There isn't anything he won't help me with and is firm in making me rest.
     Yesterday, Sara and kids came to help me for this week.  That way Lonnie can do more missionary work.  This is Neli (almost 2) and Quin (4 1/2)  They are best of friends.  You can see some of our garden behind them.  We are getting tomatoes and peppers.
I guess I did not get a picture of Maci, but here are Sara, Neli and Avri flying kites.  We always have a breeze off the coast in the afternoon.

I will not allow "things" to control my life.  I know Who is in control and I will trust in Him.
I have had prayers answered in abundance this week. Chad came up for my surgery.  The insurance was causing havoc and the surgery almost did not happen.  The chief of surgery for the VA hospital finally stepped in and said, "we treat patients, not paper".  She needs the surgery, we will do it, the people who were suppose to get this straightened out will take care of it.  I was resigned to not having it before he said this, but Chad told me to have faith.  We all said a prayer of thanksgiving when the surgery got the go ahead.
I also struggled with my appearance after surgery and was afraid of seeing myself with the bandages off. My sister in NY and my husband and I said a prayer.  I laughed when we took the bandages off, I look like someone stuck a pin in me and deflated two balloons.  Our prayers were answered.
.   I am thankful for my communication with my Heavenly Father!


  1. Sister McOmber, you are my hero! I love and admire you! I'm so glad Elder McOmber is making sure you rest and recover from your surgery and that your family is there to help care for you. We continue to pray for you and your recovery!

  2. Saying a prayer for you. If you are able to send me your address, I have something small to send that you might appreciate in your convalescence. Love you and miss you! - Heather Duffey
