Saturday, November 2, 2013


"Peace can be settled in the heart of each who turns to the scriptures and unlocks the promises of protection and redemption that are taught therein."

”Boyd K. Packer, "The Key to Spiritual Protection"

My blessing, when I was set apart for our mission, said that my testimony would grow.  I thought that was not possible, but I now realize I was very naive.  I have developed a love of the Book of Mormon and have a long list of my "favorite" scriptures.  I also have another page of scriptures that have helped me with my trials at this time.  My testimony continues to grow as I trust in the Lord each day!  I see His hand helping me in my interactions with our missionaries and in my life personally.   We really can gain peace by turning to the scriptures!

This week we had leadership counsel.  This is the future leadership of the church!  They are great guys! 
We have sister leadership also.

Elder McOmber reminding the Elders about bicycle security. There are a couple of bikes stolen each week.  Working hard on education of how to protect their bikes.

Sister Tew with some of our sisters in the office.
Elder and Sister Reynolds and their daughter Amy are finishing their mission.  They live in the area and have been a great help at the mission office.  We will miss them greatly!  The Senior couples and AP's took them to lunch at Ruby's.
The Butler's are at the end with Lonnie.  He does a lot of dirty work so he rarely wears a white shirt.
The Davis'
The Barlows
These are our friends from the campground.  John and LeAnn and kids.  They were our only guest on Halloween.  We were able to give them our traditional caramel apples. 
I was a good girl, when I went to get blood work drawn, the lab was full of people, so I wore my mask to protect myself since I am immuno supressed from chemo.

This me getting ready to write my blog, Lonnie thought he was funny taking my picture.  This is Elder McOmber's chair, but I have taken it over while I am not feeling well.  Hope you enjoy hearing what we are doing.

1 comment:

  1. We love hearing about what you are doing! You are wonderful and continue to amaze and inspire me with your incredible ability to forget yourself and put our Savior and His work first! I love and admire you and pray for you every day!
