Sunday, August 18, 2013

Everything is a miracle!

"Let us relish life as we live it, find joy in the journey and share our love with friends and family. One day, each of us will run out of tomorrows. Let us not put off what is most important." Thomas S. Monson, "Love at Home--Counsel from Our Prophet"

     This week Sara, Maci, Avri, Quin, and Neli came to visit and help "Papa" and I as I recovered from my second surgery.  I have been so blessed.  Lonnie has been a great support, but it helped to have others around keeping my mind busy.  They all spoiled me.....
I received leg and feet rubs from Avri just about everyday.  Neli often helped.
Sara helped fix meals, sometimes people brought us food. 
I was "highly" encouraged to SIT.  Don't have to twist my arms very much to relax with Neli.
I had my walking partners.  Each day I would try to walk a little farther and the playground was a good destination.  We could stop and rest (kids could play) when we got there.
Maci and Sara took turns styling my hair.
Sara and Lonnie went as a support with me to my Dr appointment.  This is Dr. Butler, who preformed both surgeries.
Mother's Beach.  The kids played more on the playground than in the water.
Papa and I sat in the shade.

Sister Reynolds, another full time missionary made pillow cases for all my grand kids visiting.  They loved them.  She sets such a great example for me in all that she does for others
Neli and Quin cuddled up, sleeping on the hid a bed.

Sara and Papa washed the motor home.  Maci and Papa polished it!  They were a great help!
Our next door neighbor has two dogs.  Neli is crazy about all dogs.  This one is  only a 2 1/2 months old Yorkie.  The minute the neighbors got home from work, the kids were over there to pet the doggies.
Yesterday we went for a ride.  We saw the amazing Long Beach terminal where all the barges from overseas comes to unload cargo and went to the Korean Friendship Bell.  The kids said it was like we were on top of the world.
This was one of my walks for yesterday.
"Nothing can fully take the place of the blessed relationship of family life." Thomas S. Monson
We are sitting on a tail of a Great White Whale.  Quin had to plug his nose because we were going to be "splashed into the water".  I sat down for most of this tour of the Cabrillo Aquarium.

Neli, Quin, Avri, Maci
Seal Beach Navy Base has it's own beach.  Friday my walk was from the car to sit in a lawn chair at the beach and watch the kids play.

She wore an "itsy, bitsy, teeny weeny.... polka dot bikini". Miss Neli

Last night we roasted marshmellows.  They had fun, although this picture was taken by surprise.
Yummy!  They got everywhere, yes, even on her forehead and hair!
     Sara and kids left this morning to return to home.  Please remember them in your prayers as they travel.  This is when I worry the most.  I know they are in God's hands.  I have regained much needed strength this week, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.  I thank my family-where ever they are!

     I had a couple of calls from our missionaries this week, but for the most part, Sister Tew has been very good to take their calls while I rest.  I think after these two weeks of rest, I am about ready to get back to my missionary work of helping them stay healthy.  I know I have to be healthy to care for them.  There will be more doctor appointments and more treatments, but I am thinking this is longest I will need to be off to recuperate, as always, I will trust in the Lord!    

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
- Albert Einstein
Life is a miracle!

1 comment:

  1. I am so grateful you are taking the time to recover and have such wonderful support from your family and Long Beach missionaries! We love you and pray for you every day!
