Saturday, July 27, 2013

I have been blessed and I am thankful

I love this art work by Del Parsons, I know I have my hand in His, He is leading me, loving me.  We got this for our anniversary present last year for each other.  It is so appropriate.
Sister Luft, Sister Puttapong, Sister Manzon ate dinner at our place last Sunday Night.  Aren't they beautiful!!

Sister Hyatt doing something on my computer Monday.

Sister Jessop,  Lacey Bradshaw(-came back to visit us-she has finished her mission) and Sister Scott

Sister Jessop, Lacey Bradshaw and Elder McOmber
Monday night we went to our friends, the Edgars.  They had a picnic and surprise birthday party for Sophia who turned 6.
Elder McOmber always makes home made ice cream (creamy slushies).  You take one two liter of soda pop-they love root beer, but here he used strawberry and one can of sweetened condensed milk in an ice cream maker.  Freeze and you have a creamy slush that the kids ( and adults) love.
Tuesday I had a lumpectomy and sentinel nodes removal for my breast cancer.  All my lovely sisters wore pink for me that day and sent me this picture.  The missionaries fasted and prayed for me, I cried. I can feel their love and my Savior's love.   I know the Lord heard their prayers and I so appreciate them. What better support system could I have than a loving family and God's army!! 
My daughter Amy came and helped me (she is an ER nurse).  She stayed with me so Lonnie could go get some sleep for the night I had to spend in the hospital.  Chad, our son, came and kept Lonnie company while I was in surgery.  It took much longer than expected and the doctor had to remove more tissue than he first thought.  My entire family has been a great support with calls, texts and prayers.  This week we should be able to find out what the next step of treatment will be.
I received these beautiful flowers from Dr. Huggins and my friends and support at EIRMC(my hospital at home in ID)
The yellow blanket behind my head was from the RS here in Los Alamitos.  We have been blessed with many cards, dinners,  and texts from all our missionaries, friends and family.  We indeed have been richly blessed!

"Much as I lament the resulting and gathering storms, there can be some usefulness in them. Thereby we may become further tamed spiritually.  .. The Lord is always quietly refining His faithful people individually.
Hope feasts on the words of Christ, “through patience and comfort of the scriptures,” “written for our learning” ...  Faith constitutes “the assurance of things hoped for” and the proof of “things not seen”... Therefore, whatever our humble furrow, we are to “plow in hope” finally developing “a perfect brightness of hope” .
Moreover, Jesus not only took upon Him our sins to atone for them, but also our sicknesses and aching griefs(see Alma 7:11–12; Matt. 8:17). Hence, He knows personally all that we pass through and how to extend His perfect mercy—as well as how to succor us. His agony was all the more astonishing in that He trod “the wine-press alone”.
By utilizing the Atonement, we access the gifts of the Holy Ghost, which “filleth with hope and perfect love” (Moro. 8:26)."                       “Plow in Hope”     Neal A. Maxwell  April 2001                 

 A quote from a web site on Breast Cancer...

"Right now, you need your family and friends. Not only can they give you emotional support and help you make treatment decisions, they also can lend a hand with the practical stuff -- like taking out the trash, buying groceries, or driving you to appointments. Resolving the little hassles can actually be a huge relief.
While you might need to take some time off, many women keep working and stay involved during their treatment."
I am back to work today, my fuzzy anesthesia brain is gone!   I am just taking phone calls and will "play it by ear" about how much time I will be in the office this week, but it is wonderful to be able to continue our mission serving the Lord and the wonderful  missionaries of the Great California Long Beach Mission-the best mission in the world!
I have been blessed and I am thankful!!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

I am so Thankful for Your Wonderful Support

     I feel so blessed!  I have had so much support from so many wonderful people.  We have continued our missionary work this week between Doctor appointments and family visiting.  It was transfers and we had 32 new missionaries join the best Mission in the entire world-The California Long Beach Mission.
New missionaries awaiting their first assignment.  I love how the trainer is known as the father, then the one who trained him is the grandfather and on back. 
Missionaries awaiting assignment.
Elder McOmber rents a U-Haul to pick up all the luggage at the airport.  He uses every opportunity to teach the new missionaries about bike safety and security.  Here are some of our new sisters.  He was teaching as soon as they stepped out of the van at the mission office.

Liz, Miranda, and Stetson volunteered one day to give service and did things to help our missionaries.
Bailey volunteered two days to helping Papa.  He cut his Mohawk off after the second day of service.  He was invited to go out with the AP's.  He liked Elder Dixon and Walker.  It is true you will always remember how people make you feel and they made him feel good.  I am glad and thank them!!.  He was not able to hook up with them to go out, but was seriously thinking about it!

We went to the El Dorado Park and fed the turtles and birds.  Stetson has a tortoise at home named Tank.
Sunday we had the Elders over for dinner with our family.

Elder Tolman and myself.  Sunday evening we had the departure fireside.  We are happy and sad to see Elder Tolman return home.  He was wonderful!  We are lucky, he lives in Logan and we will visit him after we go home.
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Liz, kids and I went to the Korean Friendship Bell.
We also  went to the Los Angeles Temple visitors center.  The Senior missionary there had Bailey and Stetson pull out a Book of Mormon and predicted that Bailey would go on a Spanish Speaking mission and Stetson would go first to Africa, then to an English speaking mission.  Interesting!
Stetson and Miranda.   We went to the Nethercutt Collection Museum.  It is wonderful with almost 200 totally restored cars, collections of all kinds, grand pianos, orchestral(huge boxes with the orchestra in it), wonderful things to see.  It is a collection of the Merle Norman cosmetics family.  Very impressive and worth the trip!
Liz, Miranda, Stetson with Bailey standing in the background. 
Saturday for our P day, Chad, Amy and kids came up and with Liz and kids we went to Huntington Beach.  Personally I thought it was too cold to swim, but you could not convince them.  Actually the entire week it was hotter in Rigby, ID and Liz froze down here. (She loves the heat!)

"Counting the ways the Book of Mormon brings peace to the soul is like counting the sand on the seashore."

Miranda and Liz walking to the water--wow, they are holding hands!
Bailey and Stetson got body boards and loved the waves.
Annalea and Caleb
Stetson and Chandler
After swimming and a picnic dinner, we roasted marshmallows and played with glow sticks.  Some of my favorite things to do when camping!
My grandkids back in Idaho had a Lemonade and Juice stand.  They raised $13. to help their Gammy and Papa with her expenses with Breast Cancer-both Lonnie and I cried.  This is Neli, Avri, Quin and their friend Kiana.  Maci helped also. 
This is their first customer.  Their Mom, Sara, has made many Breast Cancer awareness symbols from Vinyl.  They are everywhere, on Glen's helmet for work, all our cars and books.  I have a wonderful sign at work.  Our friend Tara Gates helped her make them.  Her twin, Amy and niece Annalea has made pink bracelets, necklaces, key rings all for breast cancer awareness.  I feel so loved and love my entire family so much!!
I am feeling so blessed!  I have such great support.
This week has been a whirlwind, but that was good in many ways!
The Doctor that is doing my surgery is awesome, I couldn't ask for a more experienced Dr.  He is an Associate Professor and Chief of Surgical Oncology for the University of California in Irvine, specializing in Breast Cancer.  Wow, the Lord provided me with the best!  He was very personable and even gave us his personal cell phone and pager numbers.  On Tuesday, July 23rd,  I will have a lumpectomy, then need radiation after healing.  He doubts that I will need chemo, but the test on the tumor after will tell for sure.  He was impressed that it was caught so early-again, the Lord is blessing us!

"May the Lord bless each one of us to follow the counsel of our prophets. We need to have family and personal prayers; study the scriptures, particularly the Book of Mormon; hold family home evenings; follow the admonition of the Savior to love one another; and be thoughtful, kind, and gentle within the family. Through these and other similar small and simple things, we have the promise that our lives will be filled with peace and joy."

I also have received wonderful cards and e mails from my missionaries, friends from work at home at EIRMC, family and friends everywhere. I know my name is in several temples.  I could not ask for a better support system.  I know the Lord loves me, I trust in Him, and I love all of you!!!  THANK YOU!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

We are all important to each other!

Last Saturday, Elder McOmber and I went to the Newport Beach Temple.  It was wonderful to go.  There is such peace and it gives life the eternal perspective that we need to keep.  We were in a Korean session, so we used ear phones.  It was interesting, the sessions could be: English, Spanish, Finnish, Vietnamese, 2 types of Mongolian, Korean and Tongan.  Impressive.  It was neat to see my AMA(Area Medical Advisor), Dr and Sister Peterson at the temple.
We visited with Chad and family on Saturday also.  Then Sunday, they came to visit us.  Chad went on Tuesday to the Atlantic for his last TDY with the Military.  He retires in November, terminal leave starting in August.  I am too young to have a son retiring!!!!

Amy and one of their ward  missionaries played music for me...made me cry, but Chad "would not cry".  It was special, spiritual music.
Lonnie and Chad on Swing, making Lonnie's homemade ice cream. 
Chandler and I played Ladder ball
Colton, Chandler and I played Sequence, a board game.  We all love playing games- a legacy from Gogram and Grandpa Bailey.
Caleb, It is amazing how all the kids know their way around electronics.
Amy and Annalea.  I spilled a 2 quart picture of koolaid, I made another one and Chandler then spilled that all over his mom.  Amy is wearing Annalea's clothes.  Nice when you can wear your daughter's clothes.
President Tew is busy interviewing all the missionaries to get to know them better.  He even knows where they are from--impressive!  These 3 elders are waiting for their interview.
The president  taking a small break.
Amy and Dave came so Amy could go to Dr. appointment with me. She took meticulous notes.  The only thing she did not write down was my weight.  Thank you Amy!   I put her to work at the mission  office.  Dave helped Elder McOmber with setting up one apartment- moving furniture, etc.  Thank you Amy and Dave! 
We took a short drive down to Long Beach (along the coast).  This is Amy with the Queen Mary out her window.

We walked on the beach to find seashells at sunset with Amy and Dave.


Elder McOmber brushing his cat, he gave Amy the Starfish he found.  We will continue to look for another one.

We found this "sea urchin" that we couldn't figure out what it was. 
Duh, it is a play ball that has gone flat. 
Liz, Miranda, Bailey and Stetson came to visit late last night.  They overlapped their visit with Amy just for the one night.  Amy left today.  Bailey and Papa are out moving furniture.  They are helping to set up more apartments for the 31 new missionaries we are getting on Tuesday.
"May we show our love and appreciation for the Savior's atoning sacrifice through our simple , compassionate acts of service."  M. Russell Ballard

Miranda teaching the "Wobble" to Amy.

Miranda, Liz, Stetson,  Me, Amy

Dave and Stetson chilling.
I have stayed so busy, I have not thought much about the "C" word (cancer).  It is a good way to deny.  That is one of the steps in grieving, isn't it?  There isn't anything I can do at this time, so I might just as well stay busy.  I am trying to help the missionaries become more independent....  Giving them information about sicknesses and injuries.  I love them all so much and they are so caring.  Lonnie has told most of them about "it"  as that is his way of dealing with stress--talking.  The missionaries that know, have been exceptionally nice.  Some have even fasted and prayed for me.  Some wear pink ties.  They all are awesome!! 
My family has been awesome and good at helping me accept.  Sara and Amy have made all kinds of pink bracelets, the pink awareness signs, we wear pink on Tuesdays.  Liz was thinking about coming, we are glad she decided to come!  Talking with Sara on the phone and having Amy and Liz come has helped me accept and work through some of my feelings.  Sometimes you just need a good girlfriend to talk to and all my daughters are my girlfriends!  (Sara is helping keep up our home in ID-we are thankful we don't need to worry about that.  She would be here in a heartbeat if we said to come!)  Jami is busy with her work and family;  we miss her and her family also!
I pray that I can keep doing my missionary service.  Elder McOmber will stay busy helping even while I am recuperating.
 I am scheduled for surgery on July 23rd.  Will talk to a Dr on Monday to see which surgery he will do.  I still know that the Lord is in charge and helping. 
We have had awesome medical care at the VA.  Everyone that we have interacted with, has been  a patient advocate.  Very impressive. 
I appreciate Yvette Boyce taking care of my granddaughter at Volleyball Camp at UVU.  Miranda was touched by the compassion Yvette showed her. I have talked and received messages from some of my friends at EIRMC,  I appreciate the support!  We are all important to each other!!!!
 Thank you to all my friends and relatives. I love you!