Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Mission is Great!

Elder McOmber feeding the duck/geese/sea gulls and all other birds.  We had some stale bread so he decided to stop and feed them.  They were all anxious to have a hand out.

Here are a couple of quotes I came across this week that I really liked:
"God isn’t just proving us, he is improving us.

We are not paying our way into heaven, we are practicing for it."  Brad Wilcox

A mission is great because we get to meet many new people and make many new friends.  We also take time to study the scriptures and read more uplifting literature.  I have read the book, To the Rescue, the autobiography of Thomas S. Monson and I am reading the autobiography of Parley P. Pratt.  I have read a bunch of other things, as well.  I love that I take the time (or manage my time differently) to read  things that help me understand the gospel and this life better.  We have already made many, many memorable friends, both in our ward and in the mission.  A mission is awesome!!!

"Missionaries return home with a love for the people they have served and taught. They are true ambassadors spreading goodwill for the peoples in whose countries they have lived and worked. They are not concerned with income levels and have no racial bias. They are not out to build any worldly kingdoms. They are, in the words of Mormon, 'the peaceable followers of Christ.'"

Elder McOmber likes to communicate on the phone.  He does a much better job of staying in touch by phone.  He is always telling me, "quit texting and just call them, it's faster."
The clouds were beautiful this week.  We had a couple of days of rain.  It helps clear the sky, smells good(earthy), and in order to appreciate the good in life, we need to have a few clouds.
I love to listen to the rain on the roof.  It is relaxing.

There are these three blue herons that have spent all week by their nest.  I am not sure why there are 3, but the two always are hovering over the nest.  Anxious to see if we have any babies.
We will have to come up with names for them.
We are gearing up for 34 new missionaries this week.  Elder McOmber is shopping to open two new apartments.  Many of the missionaries are going into member's homes.  It saves a lot of sacred funds by having them in homes and we know from when we had missionaries living in our basement, the member's receive many blessings.  Elder Rothschild and Elder McOmber along with some of the Elders set up several member's homes and the apartments this week.  They have worked very hard!
Our elders are preparing for leadership and training.  Friday there was instruction to help our wonderful elders.

1 comment:

  1. What would we do without you and Elder McOmber? Thanks for all you do!!!
