Saturday, December 21, 2013

What Gifts Shall We Give?

What gifts shall we give?   It is hard, I love to give gifts that mean something; that the grandchildren will remember, but it is hard.  My memories of Christmas's past are of the things we did as a family, the love, the smells, the warmth, the snow crunching beneath our shoes; there are very few physical "gifts" that I remember.  Our grand kids and kids have missed our family party last year and again this year, because we have chosen to serve the Lord.  Next year we will have those family memories  rekindled through a family party.  We miss all of our children and grandchildren, but know we have done the right thing in serving a mission in the California Long Beach Mission.  It is a humbling and awesome experience.  Hopefully there is a gift to them in us serving.  They will remember how we love serving and will want to serve others as well.

I loved this talk and have watched it 3 times, Peace is the best gift that we could ever ask for.  Elder Russell M. Nelson said in the Christmas Devotional:
"Focusing on the Lord and everlasting life can help us not only at Christmas, but through all the challenges of mortality. ..Peace can come to all who choose to walk in the ways of the Master. His invitation is expressed in three loving words: “Come, follow me.”

Thursday night, the senior couples went on a boat ride and watched a Christmas parade of Christmas decorated  yachts.
It was cold, so I had many layers of clothes.  (Cold relative to southern California)

This week we had 3 Christmas Zone Conferences.  We work with such awesome missionaries! They were very spiritual meetings and helped me feel the spirit of Christmas.  I felt well enough to go to them.
These are all the missionaries in our mission in these three pictures.  Notice all are dressed up, except Elder McOmber. 
Each conference played a game of passing gifts right and left.  They were white elephant gifts, so some were funny, some practical.

This is the white elephant gift we gave, it is paper towel roll.
Sister "Minnie Mouse".  She is so cute!
This Elder's mother came to the office the afternoon I took this picture(She brought a box for him and is from Hong Kong).  I was able to show her this picture of him fron the same day.  She loved it!!!
Elder McOmber loves horsing around with the Elder's and they all love him!

Elder McOmber has his building almost done.  He has had elders with construction experience help him.  They have cement board on it now and will stucco it after Christmas.

President Monson said at the Christmas Devotional:
"May we give as the Savior gave. To give of oneself is a holy gift. We give as a remembrance of all the Savior has given. May we also give gifts that have eternal value, along with our gifts that eventually break or are forgotten. How much better the world would be if we all gave gifts of understanding and compassion, of service and friendship, of kindness and gentleness."

We love you all!
May you all have a Very
Merry Christmas!!!

1 comment:

  1. We love this Christmas post - what fun photos and a great message. The storage shed looks great! May God bless you, your family and the Great California Long Beach Mission! Merry Christmas!
